How to Shuck a Peconic Gold Oyster with Captain Matt Ketcham

Learn how to shuck a perfect Peconic Gold Oyster on the half shell with Captain Matt Ketcham of Peconic Gold Oysters Inc.

  1. Find Your Tools: You'll need a shucking knife, a rag or glove, and a flat surface

  2. Flat Shell On Top: Hold in your non-dominant hand or on a flat surface with the flat shell on top, cupside on the bottom

  3. Find the Hinge: Put your knife in the seam  (hinge) of the oyster at about a 45° angle

  4. Apply Pressure: Using a little force, push and wiggle your knife into the hinge until you feel it loosen or pop

  5. Open Up!: Turn your knife like a key to gently pry open and get ready to cut the muscle

  6. Cut the Top Muscle: Run your knife along the bottom of the top shell to remove the adductor muscle and discard the top shell

  7. Cut the Bottom Muscle: Flip the shell in your hand so that the hinge is facing away and scoop under the oyster to free the meat from the shell

  8. Slurp & Enjoy!: Savor the liquor of the oyster, the brininess of the Peconic Bay and the sweet finish of Peconic Gold Oysters